Monday, August 8, 2016

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

Exterior Graveyard

Hello all! Welcome to the MacGyver Costume Departments description of what background talent should bring on the days you are working. Please see below for approved options we suggest you to bring for work on camera. Please make sure to look below for the description of the character you are playing. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BRING ALL OPTIONS. WE NEED TO SEE EVERYTHING YOU'VE BROUGHT SO DO NOT LEAVE IN YOUR CAR.


Please be advised you will be given a costume for this character. 

Please bring with you, if you own:
brown belt
worn and broke in brown work boots

Cemetary Mourners

You all will be dressed as everday people mourning at a cemetery. Just make sure to bring all casual options with you and comfortable shoes. Include black pieces as well, although they will not be used as you are not attending a funeral. But always wanna be prepared! As always, no logos, no hoodies, and bring lots of options!

Thanks all! See you on set!!

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