Monday, August 15, 2016

Tuesday August 16, 2016

Hello all! Welcome to the MacGyver Costume Departments description of what background talent should bring on the days you are working. Please see below for approved options we suggest you to bring for work on camera. Please make sure to look below for the description of the character you are playing. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BRING ALL OPTIONS. WE NEED TO SEE EVERYTHING YOU'VE BROUGHT SO DO NOT LEAVE IN YOUR CAR.


PHOENIX TECHS (you will  be provided with a lab coat)

Men- khaki pants in all colors, long sleeve button fronts, polos, ties, dress shoes, dress slacks, casual dress oxfords

Women - Nice dress shirts, button front shirts, khaki pants, dress pants, no skirts or dresses please, flat dress shoes, avoid high heels and wedges *remember you are in a work environment

Inspiration Pictures:

Phoenix Agents

 Just a step above the tech. Please bring 2 piece suits, and all a little more dressy office attire. Ladies, you can bring heels as long as they are tasteful. 

Men- Suits, ties, dress slacks and Blazers, dress shoes

Women - 2 piece pant or skirt suits, dressy blouses, long sleeve button fronts, nice dainty jewelry (nothing too loud)

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