Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Wednesday September 7th, 2016
Hello all! Welcome to the MacGyver Costume Departments description of what background talent should bring on the days you are working. Please see below for approved options we suggest you to bring for work on camera. Please make sure to look below for the description of the character you are playing. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO BRING ALL OPTIONS. WE NEED TO SEE EVERYTHING YOU'VE BROUGHT SO DO NOT LEAVE IN YOUR CAR.

Welcome to Frankfurt and Portugal!


You will maybe be provided with a jacket and baseball hat. But all should be bring many options of different styles of shirts and pants. All should bring business attire which should include:

-khakis, dress slacks, jeans (All colors)
-Polo's, dress button ups
-ties of all assortments
-dress shoes, comfortable tactical shoes, non descript tennis shoes

Ladies - a little extra - casual button- ups, short and long sleeve shirts

Here are some pics for reference of what you will be playing:

Train Employees -
You will be fully costumed by the Costume department. Please make sure you bring black dress shoes, and black belts. Ladies bring a black low pump or flat. Make sure to have a white tee or camisole.

German Security - 
Please bring either a black tactical boot or black dress shoe, and black belt. Ladies only a tactical boot if you have. 

Frankfurt Train Passengers - 
Please bring many options for travel in Europe. Slimmer styles. We want to see business casual looks, with multi layers. Here are some reference photos, but please please bring many options to go by. Many colors as well. Bring light weight jackets, sweaters and lightweight scarves. Hats of all sorts. 


Still within the layering of pieces like we did in Europe. Lets get more vibrant with the colors. Plenty of casual looks. See below for the looks we are going for, and more. Of course bring what you have and we will work with it.

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